Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Path

All the posts boils down to this, that one should not try to control a situation but to accept things as they are and adapt. All negative emotions can be said to be because one tries to control and when that does not go well... we have all been there so decide for yourself.

Accepting all the good and bad as they are and not complaining and adapting is that way to go. This can be illustrated from a story I once heard. People like stories no matter how old they are :P so here goes...

Once upon a time :D .. there was a boy living in China with his dad. They had only one horse and one day they noticed that it had run away the previous night. People were expressing their thoughts saying what a terrible situation it was and what a loss it is to the family. The dad however remained composed and accepted the situation.

A few days later the horse was back and to their surprise it had brought along with it another horse from the wild. People were expressing their thoughts this time as well, saying what a good turn of events it has been and how lucky the family is since they now have two horses.
Again the dad remained composed and accepted the situation.

Few days later the son who was now training the wild horse fell off the horse and broke his leg. People again expressed their thoughts saying how unfortunate the situation was and about the bad patch the family was going through. The dad still remained composed and accepted the situation, neither being sad nor happy.

This was during a time when the government was recruiting soldiers and the young males were forced to join the army. However since the son had a leg injury he was of no use as a soldier and was not taken away.

The moral of the story is that there is no use trying to control the situations you are faced with. Being happy when the situation is good and sad when it is bad is the common perception but the better way is to be indifferent to every situation and accept it as it is which makes it easier to adapt.

- May all beings be well and happy. 


Just a few things I have found interesting that would be nice to incorporate into our day to day lives.
Quote: “There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.” - Albert Einstein

The holding back - Usually we tend to look back and feel less of ourselves or avoid doing what is required of us, taking into consideration bad experiences from the past.

A man once noticed an elephant being tied to a pole using normal rope and was wondering why the elephant who could easily break away made no attempt to free itself, so he decided to ask the mahout himself. The mahouts' explanation was that when the elephant was just a baby it was tied using the rope which was enough to restraint the animal then. The animal had attempted to escape many times but has failed to free itself and the notion that it the rope is too strong for it to break away has been with the animal ever since. The animal who is now a strong adult elephant still holds onto that memory and does not know about how easily it can break away.

What has to be realised is that you do not have to search for answers elsewhere, the wisdom is with you itself and is waiting to be found. This was explained in one of the talks I watched as a scenario where a man who goes around asking for money whereas the money is in his pocket itself. All he has to do is to reach into his pocket and take it. Wisdom comes with the realiasation that you do not have to seek answers elsewhere but through oneself.

- May all beings be well and happy.