Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Change the World ?

People people people... always trying to change the world they live in. This is not about the type of change done by great people like Mahatma Gandhi or Mother Theresa. This is about people trying control and expect from others. A simple notion, it is so simple that it is hard to understand. Most people try to change the world they are in by trying to control others and expecting from others. But this never works, you can live better when you do not try to control people and accept them for who they are. Also when you do not expect anything from others, you are never really disappointed (sounds like something you wanted for a long time ? ;) ).

These simple points are best put forward with some sort of narration to visualise. Lets say that what a man wants is to - "Walk comfortable anywhere he walks on earth" (not be disappointed), he can do one of two things, 1) Cover the entire Earth with leather so he will always be walking on leather (control and expect from people)... 2) He could easily wear two leather shoes, so anywhere he walks he will feel comfortable (adjust your perception - do not expect from others or try to control them). So decide if you want to cover the entire Earth with leather, which cannot be achieved in a lifetime or if you will wear some comfortable shoes when you walk :D

- May all beings be well and happy.