Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Want happiness?

Taking a step back sometimes lets you look at the big picture, a picture you were a part of, a picture you will be a part of once again after the temporary step back. When inside this picture we are constantly trying to figure out what we want to draw, what the drawing means, how the drawing of life will turn out to be. We make plans, get hurt, go out, try to make sense of things and seek distractions. When the picture does not look good we wonder why the picture is bad and how other painters appear to be painting a better picture when in your point of view you have done nothing wrong to deserve it.
We hope, we wait, we seek a distraction from the bad picture that seems to be drawing on our own canvas.

We help other painters, we do good, however do we painters deep inside our hearts expect that good to come to us once again? do we give but hold on? expect a better picture for ourselves because we have helped other painters?

The truly happy painter helps other painters draw their picture but expects nothing in return. He himself draws, but he draws wisely. He understands that the nature of the painting is such that it will be good at times and bad at others. He accepts the nature of the painting for what it really is, he does not try to control it, he is at peace with the canvas and has the bliss of knowing he helped other painters. He helped without expecting anything in return, he has no attachments. He is at peace.

As the famous story goes, one person says to another: "I want happiness", the other reaches  and erases "I want" and said, there you go now you are left with "happiness".
Be the smart painter, draw when you have to, help other painters when you can, understand the nature of the painting, do a great job and truly let go.

- May all beings be well and happy. 

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